Saturday, November 13, 2010

Things I miss

It's been exactly two months since I've been away from home. That mightn't seem like a long time to some people but when you're traveling on your own, its like forever. Seriously, Perth is just a distant memory for me and although I'm not really that homesick yet, its the little things I mum and dads cooking. Why didn't I pay more attention in the kitchen?! Having to adjust to a completely new country where I have to relearn everything on my own really made me appreciate what I had. Its true. You don't know what you have until its gone.

Ok, now I'm sounding really emo. It's the weather I tell you *glances at the gloomy skies* It doesn't help that everyone's facebook updates are about going to the beach! It's all good..wait till I hit up the slopes ;)

Anyway, I don't think I would have done this any other way. In the two months I have gained so much life experience which would be impossible if I just stayed in my comfort zone, in my little bubble where Perth was my whole world. It's surprising to find out that some people don't know where Australia is on the map, let alone know that Perth is a city in Australia.

What my whole world is to me, is non existent to someone else. But I have to admit, I didn't know even know whether Vancouver was on the East or West Coast of Canada before I came here...It's on the West for those who don't know ;)

Its been a steep learning curve but its good to know that:

- I am capable of carrying heavy grocery bags on my own

-To look left first before crossing the road if I don't want to get run over

-To stand on the right on elevators and footpaths

-To turn on lights, you have to flick the switch up

-To continue to use "Australian terms" even if it means no one understands me. I think the accent is quite evident especially when we start playing games like Taboo:          

             Them: "What? Waaaall?"
              Me:  "No..War"
              Them: "Waaallll??"
              Me: " know, where they use, just said the word" -.-

- Finding out North Americans base what they know about Australia on two things:
  1) Crocodile Dundee
  2) Steve Irwin

-To experience one of the worse winters ever faced in BC.

Even as I miss the little things of home, its great to know that I have a second home here. And really, its the people that makes a place a home and I'm blessed to have made such awesome friends who are so willing to drive me around, to let me drive, to invite me out, to make me feel welcome and just offering me their friendship. And that is something I will never take for granted.

Something to remind me of home

1 comment:

  1. - Just discovered your blog Ling!

    Love the title,

    awesome to see you're growing over there.
    I pray it only gets better and that you encounter God in a fresh, amazing way

    if Perth feels like a lifetime ago, i can't imagine how far away Uni feels :) Godbless
