Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pizza Party

Oh so yummy.

Its pizza party time at HoA.

Making the dough from scratch

The yeast is starting to activate

Super bubbly

Mixing flour and italian herbs

More flour

Starting to get into form

Time to flex the muscles and knead

Perfect little ball

Doubled in size after just one hour

I just love the set up of our kitchen, really works well in parties

Rolling out the dough

Start making it kids!

Toppings overload

Wow..these tasted amazing

Some delicious looking pizzas

After like 15 pizzas...this is all that is left. 

Hmmm..So hungry after posting these photos, just gotta wait for dinner now. We're making burgers with the bbq in the backyard. Finally bbq weather baby! The weather has been amazing today so I took the opportunity to explore the neighbourhood further than the few blocks I am familiar with. And no, I didn't get lost and catch the skytrain home this time. True story.

I discovered Central Park which is like a 15 min jog from my place. Its a 90 hectare urban park in the middle of a busy city but once you walk in, it feels like you're miles and miles away from civilization. There are like hiking trails, a lake, a golf course, tennis courts, outdoor swimming pool and so much more. Sounds like I'm advertising the place hey but seriously its so awesome. I am going to go there more often over the summer.

Anyway, burgers are ready now. Dinner looks delicious...thank you Sarah!!

DIY Burgers

Zana's ketchup burgers

My burger

Oh yeah..it taste as good as it looks.
Wow...amazing food all night long. Love it.

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